Friday 25 November 2016


The major formation for indiscipline within my family that is enforced uncompromisingly even on a tender six-year-old is to

Ban her from watching TV for eight days or having access to any electronic device. This for using inappropriate language like the word 'stupid'. She will try and negotiate or squeeze her way out of this- her cute approach or sweet looks are no indemnity, the lesson is irrevocably applied.
Isolate her in a room for a short period of time when she displays aggressive conduct like hitting any of her siblings or mother.
On two occasions together, father and daughter will publicly sweep a restaurant floor in atonement on the premise that a temper tantrum which results in food spilled is inconsiderate, contemptuous and disrespectful towards those who strive to keep the premise clean.
Her school teacher has commended her on excellent behavior and social skills in school and enquirers about her general conduct at home, my wife and I truthfully expose about the challenges of her strengths and weaknesses. My daughter most certainly feels shamed when she hears this assessment . Does this better her character - No! We may seem harsh, but good character is expected outside and inside and even when no one is looking.
Her siblings in general know that as a parent I will not sit and share a meal with them if they display improper conduct towards each other or the mother. I have informed them that even I become a frail and feeble ninety-year-old man with little or no strength, the impeccability of sterling conduct is a non-negotiable expectation which will draw a challenge from me if it is breached.
One’s academics or talents may be in stratosphere of extraordinary, if the character is flawed it renders, cripples and consigns every other attribute to an ignominious thought, it is far  better to be anonymous in excess of a shadow .  I am sure my position or parenting skills is not unique as many ordinary households would have similar or a better set of guidelines of engagement on the expectation of conduct and discipline. The standards of good behavior are the glue or thread that holds the diversity and differences in society together. Little children and teenagers are held to a higher account in comparison to the ‘yang berhormats’ . Given the fact that nature’s expectation of children and youth is a design and DNA of growth process, intended to challenge the boundaries and eventually find their purpose and place in life- it is a qualified and acceptable challenge.

Now we seem to be having this regular afflictions of callous behavior especially towards women. The higher the status, peerage or title the more pompous, crude and uncouth the person. The only plausible medical explanation for this incoherent, inexcusable and unacceptable behavior is that there appears to be a significant mutation in the DNA and brain cells which is regressing to the amoeba stage.

The minister who expressed ‘Kok’ is not what we should dread or fear. It is his apparently dignified sinister hierarchy of nauseous colleagues and bosses who in condoning and not castigating this buffoon or throwing him out by the scruff of his neck: are far more contemptible, criminal and complicit . In their silence they are all up to their eyeballs wallowing in the mud of hippopotamical invincibility on the  belief that they are in an impregnable fortress of untouchability where they can speak brazenly to women in any manner they please.

Tajuddin Abdul Rahman and his sidekicks may feel it is a right that such macho bravado despicable profanity and disrespectful language has qualified acceptance. Please don’t be cowards use it in royal presence, inside a mosque, in front of your loved ones, a judge or a police personal. If you can’t or won’t do this, spare our ears the torment of you jibber jabber, if this serial offender had a control I wish it were a mute button. We have tolerated unessential irrelevant lummoxes disguised as human beings long enough- we are tired!  Thievery, knavery, boorish behavior, thugs, hoodlums, 1MDB, poor management, clowns, fake preachers, poachers, body snatchers, hot dog, no dog, this dog, that dog and all manner of oddities and ailments of a regressive and reductionist theory are coming out of the Pandora’s box.
On humane grounds we can’t shoot persons for stupidity, perhaps a gracious lady in their party with a lot of land and cows, will on the pittance of sympathy will put out to pasture the rabid deranged MP’s to practice the polite tone mooing and braying as anything more intelligent seems out of depth and scope.

As for Ronald the  referee who is hired by Mac, he is trapped in a prissy sissy  position  of hypocrisy and is clueless on how to manage a kids ball park game between Mac’s and KFC.

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