What does our National flag Jalur Gemilang personally mean and represent for each of us who call this country our home? My firm belief is that the flag represents the aspiration and dreams of all Malaysians. It is not the property of any one group or individual. Each Malaysian is a stakeholder and claimant of the promise and hope of our national flag.
Some simple well known facts, the red and white stripes represent the EQUALITY of the thirteen member states and the Federal Government.
The theme of equality makes it incumbent on the Federal Government to accord dignity and respect each state. It could be opposition held states or states that are held by the ruling coalition. To undermine the choice and will of the people is a violation of what the flag represents. If what is stipulated as an image on the Jalur Gemilang is not met and the honorable conventions and intention of equality are breached it is a desecration of the flag.
The fourteen-point yellow star represents the unity among the thirteen member states and the federal Government. No matter what the choice or will of the people in electing a Federal or state government. The unity as advocated and espoused on the Jalaur Gemilang is an ideal that should not be compromised by politics. If this happens as evident on more than a few occasions where the Federal Government uses its discretionary power or provisions within it to withhold allowances or not support projects of the state Governments for the benefit or convenience of the citizen for no valid or justifiable reason, unquestionably the intention of the flag is defiled.
The flag has the royal color of the Malay rulers. Not of a political party or any other individual. We may be a constitutional democracy. I sincerely hope though that when the Government of the day fails and all else is lost and push comes to shove, we have this last bastion of defense and protection in our rulers. The Federal star is yellow, evidence that every single person within the system has an instrument of appointment from the King. I am thinking aloud here if the instrument of appointment is from our King, can he revoke it on any ground? To their credit the Johore royalty have in an audacious manner, assumed and asserted the mantle and vestment of responsibility despite the personal tragedy have voiced out concerns.
The yellow crescent represents ISLAM as Malaysia's official religion. The direct implication in being an official religion does not in any way automatically confer rights or privileges in excess beyond what is expressed by the faith over any non-Muslim. The fact that the crescent interestingly is strategically placed not anywhere else but against the backdrop of the blue canton representing the unity of the Malaysian people, makes it incumbent on the religion to be a unifying force- not a dominant and divisive belief. The glue of Islam is expressing in the flag to each of its adherents, that the spiritual embodiment of its highest values is inserted and impregnated into each for a higher purpose and meaning. Can the birth of that ideal be realized where the trimester of sixty years ought to be transformed into oneness.
Does this implicatively mean that?
· The proposition that the precepts and progressive constituents of the best in the Islamic faith is to be used as a unifying factor no matter who or what we are?
· Is the faith a cosmetic accidental or incidental component placed as a claim of ownership, or is there a deeper responsibility expected to extract and execute unspoken desire that is not explicitly expressed?
· The principal reverential and sacred responsibility or entrustment of the faith by virtue of its position, embedded in a strategic location within the Jalur Gemilang’s blue canton representing a diverse group of citizens to extend every single attribute of equitable protection, advancement and compassionate care to all irrespective of the diverse cultural or religious settings.
· One is bound by the conduit of faith to an inflexible conduct not to insult God or faith by using derogatory terms on any of His creation, or questioning their rights or existence.
· Since Islam is inescapably in the flag of the Malaysian People, we have the humble propriety and privilege to discuss matters regarding the faith in a respectful, non-offensive, constructive environment without the sledgehammer of verbal threats on the premise that this is an not an exclusive right only to adherents who practice the faith.
The crescent is on and with the people, anything less means the existing interpreters or guardians of the faith are providing us an incompatible vision that does not calibrate or decipher the majesty, innocence or purity of the Creators sensitive unspoken voice and desire for creations well-being. If faith or religion exist on the expediency of politics and tenders on its account grievous injury on any single life- it is a sacrilege and simply means the human elements who are the guardians ought to be disqualified and removed.
The blue canton represents the UNITY of the Malaysian people no matter what our political affiliations, our cultural ethnicity, religious identity, gender, or atheism- we are one! The flag is the clearest indicator. When politicians and ministers with their differences vilify an Ex-PM and express that he is colluding and conspiring with the DAP who are expressed as the perennial enemy, it is the worst sludge and slime of depreciative barbaric adversarial combat. How sick does it get when one Malaysian in an exalted position refers to another in such a crude and crass manner. Further to this the ex-PM is thrown the gauntlet of a shameless challenge to a fist fight.
I have lost count of the times of the times Chinese and Indians have been called ‘pendatangs’ and whatever else ! . A young fifteen-year-old Chinese student who lost his mother to Cancer under the most tragic circumstances early this month is a compelling life of a struggle that would choke one with emotions. As a direct consequence of better education and a support structure the family are moving to Australia. This student expressed his stated commitment fifteen days after his mother’s parting and not having recovered from the mourning or grief his commendable expression is that he wants to come back to Malaysia to forge and make this a better nation. Convenience, comfort and economic security in a foreign country are forsaken as his heart burns for his root country and sees the need to belong and make this a better place. Perhaps this young person’s expression is what our flag and Merdeka is about. Are we going to defeat and destroy a young person’s ideals with our incessant and endless bickering? We have some brilliant disillusioned Malays, Chinese, Indians and others who have left this country and are residing successfully elsewhere- not by choice or chance but by circumstances beyond their control. We are squandering the wisdom and wealth of this country with this absurd poppycock of who came first, who is holier, who is entitled to be PM, who should use what word in prayer and every conceivable kind of gibberish antique bone that we can scrap and fight about like street mongrels. When will we chose to really be one, and claim the flag?
What does the flag really represent for you and me?
The salutations and rendition of the National Anthem are meaningless if not lived everyday. Within the barren wilderness of the cauldron of race, the scorching cruel merciless desert of religion, in a garden of inconceivable dreams, within a silent oasis a of tranquility: the human representation of the Jalur Gemilang which has touched and deeply inspired me. The treasure trove of a beautiful friendship between En.Ahmad Husni and the late Emeritus Professor Dr.K.T Joseph is an injustice to be encapsulated in a few lines. The metamorphosis from friendship into that uncommon bond of unconditional love akin to a father and son as expressed by En.Husni is the purest evidence that age, race, religion culture, ethnicity, bloodline and status are the surface. When one lives on an ideal of unity everyday as evidenced by En.Ahmad Husni, the honor, nobility and intention of the flag sings with powerful eloquence that our true home is in each others heart. Is it really an insurmountable difficulty to address each other as family?
My Merdaka and Malaysia day wish after seeing a courageous young Malay woman from UITM on video hunting for MO1 is that every one of those involved in the treasonous theft and treachery in whatever position and their traitorous cohorts will in the near future wear a uniform which clearly will have stripes of shame.
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