Tuesday, 3 March 2015



The beautiful and magical years of innocence have fled this good country. Each individual citizen can’t absolve or escape from the responsibility that we allowed ourselves to lose all that is most precious to us. 
I remember life from the tail end of the fifties. As children we never knew anything about differences in religion and colour. Our parents never spoke about what distinguished or set us apart from the other. We were protected from the ills of the world and words such as apartheid and division were just words to be used in language studies. The physical meaning of such words was a rare experience. There was it seemed a common unbreakable bond that held us together. The public bus drivers knew us by name, the traders in central or Chow Kit Road market knew our families. When one purchased from them they would actually choose vegetables, fruits or fish that was of quality which would last. This epitomised the age of personalization in business way before corporate entities conjured such language.  It was not uncommon to have to find neighbours sharing and giving what little that was acquired with each other.  Neighbours gave each other vegetables from their own garden. There were no peculiarities in sharing; a neighbour who possessed a fridge would share the fridge space with another on occasions where that family had a special function. Families would get together and help each other out in cooking meals for big groups. Something as small as a new plant would be shared with a neighbour either by means of a giving seeds or the grafting process. DIY or do it yourselves which are found in products and stores were common within families, fathers and sons would as far as possible fix fences, bulbs change a faucet, or paint a house themselves and sometimes the friends from school or the neighbours would help. Hired help or external labour was not required. It was not unusual to use one contractor to do all the work in a house over the years thereby developing personal relationships, the workers of the contractors shared meals with the family.   Recipes, gossip, the triumphs and tragedies of life were shared across fences. It was amazing but our cab or taxi drivers would actually have a drink when they send a customer home, this was common courtesy and respect at its best. The landscape of life would be incomplete if we do not mention the young Chinese ladies usually coming door to door direct from the farm weekly to sell eggs or toothpaste and this eventually progressed to variety of other items, there was the market on wheels where one could buy the daily vegetables, fish or chicken and the mother’s would congregate to speak over the latest happenings, and of course the bread man and ice cream on wheels which are still the only reminders in some parts of urban KL  of how every life impacted us in the circle of life. A simple piece of bun was a luxury and  a red bean ice cream was heavenly that was consumed ever so slowly while it was shared by quite a few  licking tongues, magnolia or walls was out of the world.  One could play casino wheels with the ice cream vendor and if a lucky person hit a jackpot, the ice creams were shared.  There was also the local vendor who had the facilities to make and stock ice. Household’s without fridges would buy Ice on Sundays to make lime juice and it would take three person to purchase an ice block  as carrying it back was an ordeal and pleasure, the ice was packed in old newspapers  and each one who carried it shared the load so  as not suffer frozen hands.  Along the way the cold water that dripped would find it way into the mouth of each individual.  Newspapers were shared, by the end of the day a whole block of eight houses would have read one English news daily. It was also not an uncommon practice to remove the newspaper packaging and  read the contents, the news and information was old but yet it was read. If the article was of sufficient interest it was retained and passed around.  There were occasions when a home did not have electricity as they defaulted on their bills  and a neighbour would make the necessary payments to reattach the supply. The television set  was one that brought persons together,  there were Guitar lessons on TV,  Rawhide, Gun Smoke, Lone Ranger and the unforgettable moon landings that received a full audience of standing persons outside one house gates to watch the extraordinary event. Movies cost anywhere between forty to ninety cents. There were also the free movies, Indian, Malay or Chinese before an inoculation jab in a football pitch or a road was blocked off. Families brought their chairs and stools and watched such movies.  Festivals were never known as belonging to Malaya’s, Indian’s, Chinese or others – the celebrations were cleaved into each other’s lives, we anticipated the celebrations with energy and zest.

Recycling was the norm not the exception, furniture, beds, pots and pans were used beyond their shelf life and necessary change would only take place when there was an acquisition of  wealth  some marginalised person got the second hand or if one in the family got married they acquired  some of the family belongings. More often than not clothes were a common possession and was passed down to younger siblings or relatives and friends.  Acquiring new furniture or an electrical appliance was reason enough to celebrate  with the ice ball sugar coated delicacies   or anything else that was available.     Where there was a gathering we were there as one. In a hospital’s we enjoyed equitable care and shared common concerns and looked after each other. If a friend’s parent or sibling were to be embraced by the arms of death, we would spend the night over with them to provide solace and consolation.  The desolation of any tragedy was bearable as we faced it together. Friends, relatives or neighbours had the liberty of dropping by unannounced, no formalities observed and no permission was required.

School was a remarkable environment we could fight with Ah Kow, Jebat Ali or Robin and yet it was never mentioned as a person from a certain race fought with me, it was just another guy with a name. God forbid if we got punished in school for misdemeanours, exclusive punishment was reserved at home. If report cards were not passed up with the signature of parents, either a phone call or a visit from the teacher was a matter of time-usually sooner rather than later. If a teacher came over to visit a family and there was some handiwork or manual labour that was taking place the teacher would leave everything aside and pitch in to help before the discussion on the son or daughter in the family who was literally quivering with great anticipation and fear. Teachers were respected and admired and yes also feared.   Creative punishment and rehabilitative detention of washing the school toilets, cutting grass or working on the agricultural patch was the norm.  The Teachers seemed to know the name of each and every individual student. 

We could go to the homes of our poorest schoolmates and have the hospitality of a good meal. This would usually be the reality that stabs one’s heart of how one who had so little could give so much. There were achievements attained by the effort of individual students and this was always something that was scrutinised and the applause was something that was earned on the backbone of real talent or hard work. Many a young person was self taught with regard to music on the Guitar or any other instrument, such knowledge was also shared. We could go to a restaurant and share a roti chani in three equal parts and one drink was shared between three in a group.  If  a student had one ringgit he was deemed to be rich, five ringgit he was a millionaire and  ten ringgit was unspeakable.  Innovation was seen in the toys that were constructed  from nothing but any available material that was around. A badminton court was built over a weeks by teenagers coming together and constructing a court in jungle land. There were forays into the nearby jungle to make tree houses.

Music was also a common catalyst for developing relationships. There were the young teens especially who would try and pick up a cheap Kapok guitar and try to imitate the stars of the day. One would cycle or walk to a friend’s house just to learn how to hold a certain chord or sing a certain song. One could find the young placing their ears close to a radio set to copy lyrics of a favourite song. The collaboration was strong in the sense that each one was assigned to obtain a specific line of the lyrics to get the complete song. More often than not musicians were able to sing in a few languages. I personally know of young musicians who could sing Malay, Chinese, Tamil, Hindi, Portuguese, French and occasionally in Italian. The talent pool of young was incredible – who can forget Paul Ponnudari, Hillary Ang and Razak Rahman. Each of these musicians were noted as among the best in the world.

We cheered for our sportsmen and women who came from varied backgrounds, they were never know as being from a particular race or community. We only knew them as Namat Abdullah, Soh Chin Aun, Mokhtar Dahari, R.Aruguman, each and every Malaysian had a personal claim over their sport personality. When the Malaysian football selection entertained the Arsenal Football team with a renowned goalkeeper. There wasn’t an Arsenal banner or Tee shirt worn by any of that team’s supporter’s. It was a sea of Malaysian urging their team. The collective crowd were in effect the thirteenth player on the field, no matter how strong or powerful a team against Malaysia we were a serious threat as we had unity in diversity. This was a powerful and eloquent example of togetherness that a political party could never sew together.     

There were among us weird or oddball kind of individuals but none were ever categorized, despite each one having the extravagance of displaying their small individual preferences. This was accepted with loads of teasing and occasional fights. On the global front as young eight years olds we were united in grief when JFK was assassinated. On the home front we were very sympathetic towards our police force or army personal when they were killed in the line of duty. It was a personal tragedy akin to a relative dying. This was a precious and special bond between the people of the country, rivers, seas or mountains never separated us. The burden and sorrows of a few was felt and borne by the nation as a whole. Nothing could defeat the spirit that gave birth to this nation. One could actually express that we were closer than brothers.


What is it that broke the yoke of this magical formula and robbed us of our innocence? Can we feel the pulse beat of what really broke the backbone of the family unit in the country? There are varied reasons and I may not be correct about the whole scenario, but this is how I see it.

·                 Materialistic greed was not yet realized in the era of the 60’s. The concern in fighting the insurgency and winning the hearts and minds of the general population was a binding force. It was the pragmatic realization that the bread of equality offered was the only plausible and acceptable way to win a battle. There was never an issue of a majority race with inalienable rights. Each and every individual was an important component in building the infrastructure of the fledging nation. There were various major races and persons of ethnic background who were involved in the army, police and civil service. The legal system was that of the highest order.
·                 Power was never realized as concept to rule but rather to serve. Our early leaders were not persons who were of exceptional intelligence or creative talents. They were just individuals who carried the hopes of a nation on the shoulders of rational thought and supported by the morale principals of rights and wrongs. The rule of law was rarely abused. The taxpayer’s money was never squandered on dubious ventures nor were there politicians who just enriched themselves or their families.
·                 Religion was a beautiful concept, we Catholics used to fast rigorously for the lent period, quite a few of us cheated on the fast but it was never a dramatic issue, our Muslim brothers and sisters would also fast during the month of Ramadhan and likewise the Hindus. No one questioned the other- it was accepted as a simple fact of each one’s life. Our friends from the various religious backgrounds would come the Church for some music and likewise one could go to the mosque or temple. There never were issues with serious or dramatic consequences. There are friends who gave me books on their respective faiths and this was read and it most certainly helped in building the walls of the soul.

One cannot claim that racial segregation was not evident, there were occasions especially that some segments of the Chinese community would show their prejudice towards others, by giving items at cheaper prices to members within their community, or telling other races that certain items were beyond their budget, or even keeping the best items for members of their own community. The Indians likewise had their own share of prejudices and stereotyping against the Chinese. Can we blame the individuals involved for such racism- I think that there wasn’t sufficient education or knowledge on racial equality as such this can be attributed to ignorance more than malice. Nevertheless   one cannot run away from these weakness but just hang our heads in shame that we had this in our past. Acknowledgment and the resolve to improve will always make us better persons.

On the political front we had in our midst a brilliant and far sighted visionary in Dato Onn Bin Jaffar, while America and Europe where still struggling with racism, we had a man with conscience and moral wisdom. This was a person who could see the country beyond the lenses of ethnicities, culture or creed. In Malaysia the ‘ I have a dream- speech ‘ was in reality being promoted by Dato Onn long before any leader other than Ghandi in the world was advocating such causes. When his cause was rejected by those who were his closest aides it had already consigned us to the eventualities of a future that would compromise us as a nation in the wrong hands. The architects and engineers of Dato Onn Jaffar’s fall were around to show themselves in the future. Realistically, it must be realized that Dato Onn could never have succeeded against the prevalent sentiment of his aides, to obtain a new mandate would have been so very difficult in terms of communication logistics as he would have had to create new branches over the length and breadth of the country in the shortest span of time. UMMNO branches were already in place, having been built over a number of years.  There was no way  that Dato Onn Jaffar positive thoughts could have reached the masses given the many disadvantages. It is such a pity that the mainstream parties and important political figures could not see and appreciate the vision of this great man. Dato Onn Jaffar may have been one our very first of our unique original minorities, his compassion, rational forward thinking, conscientious voice was lost in the wilderness of self interest. The  undeserving, inglorious, ignominious end of Dato Jaffar was an implosion with tragic consequences within UMNO where leaders are never secure. This is clearly evident in the way Tuanku, Dato Hussein Onn, Tun Abduallah Ahamad Badwai  were all dispatched in an insidious manner. When a good ideology or leader or thought is forsaken and sacrificed- anything in the future can be compromised. The precedence for good is overtaken by the brooding forces of dark that only fight for themselves other than the citizens of the country.

Tuanku would have experienced  and must have felt the same way as Dato Onn Jaffar had felt, there was no place in the politics of this country for men or women of calibre who cared about the common dignity of the citizen. The Advent of May 13th 1969 did not separate the country and it now an indispensable knowledge available as the truth unravels that it never was a racial disturbance as we were led to believe. It was a combination of elements the circumstance of which emanate from the politics, and various other factors that came together by intention, engineered incidents and some that were sheer accidents or ill luck. This is borne by the simple fact that it was not widespread and contained within specific parts of the country  . It also seems to be an excuse engineered by the political elite to keep and take power. Once the baton or torch of leadership was passed  from our beloved Tuanku Abdul Rahman in a manner less than dignified. The wheels were already set in motion and the  trajectory of ills that would degrade and depreciate a nation were already in place. Even those who assumed powers would never have foreseen the destruction and havoc that a single incident can impact a nation. All other negatives that followed were just the follow up consequence of what may be the single biggest mistake.  Removing a leader, especially a founder and one accorded the title of Father opened the Pandora’s  box of how easy it was to obtain power. If one can do it to the Father of a Nation, one can do it to anyone – nobody is safe. Everyone can be removed and everyone has a price. The security of an unassailable position could be broken and breached with relative ease. Now we ought to reflect ,what was it that made the Tuanku a very special individual. He did not posses exceptional gifts or extraordinary leadership capabilities, he was respected for his common touch, empathy, honesty and the skeletons of corruption can never be found in the closet of his life or any of his living relatives. Neither was he a manufactured leader who needed public relation officials to prop him on a charm offensive. His weakness and strengths was an open book and he endeared himself to the common citizen. If one were to compare him to our all leaders who followed after him it would be an equivalent of holding a lighted candle against the brilliance of the sun. His faults that cost him the leadership were simplicity, honesty and a naïve trusting disposition.  The leaders that followed after Tuanku stepped down may have been more capable, astute or intelligent and would have thought they would receive support and loyalty of an equal standard. The magical ingredients of  nobility, dignity, concern, care, humility and simplicity could never be replicated and could never be bought. Tuanku’s wealth was his good natured character in excess. Many who toiled to make the country successful were inspired by the Tuanku. My father used to refer to him in Malayam as achan – translated as brother. This is the affinity and esteem that Tuanku established in the relationship of trust with the citizen. With Tuanku’s removal no PM who followed could retain the full trust of his cabinet, party members or members of other component parties. How does one trust the acquisition of a leadership when it may be tainted with an act of dishonour?  There was an article of Tuanku in the Readers Digest where it was expressed that he was the happiest PM in the world, and we may have been the happiest citizens in the world. In this current day and age when a political scientist expound the latest theory of a good  Government being adjudged by the happiness index of the citizen. We already had this concept in our leadership and especially in our first prime minister, No genius, political scientist or analyst were required to give us a complex jargon of happiness – we lived it through live experiences.


With regard to May 13th 1969, If we Malaysian especially parties that holds stewardship of the country are unable to deal effectively on the platform of simple evident truths about what transpired we will always be enmeshed in the quagmire and ghost of the past with never ending recriminations, accusations about who did what to who, why this or that happened without cementing and appropriation of responsibility to the parties, groups and individuals concerned. We must be greater than the sum total of our mistakes by acknowledgment of all parties concerned. - It is one of the many ways to move forward. Innocent persons whose lives were snuffed out in that tragedy and whose families were traumatised and destroyed should have the right to justice, closure, peace and the dignity of restitution from a fund undertaken by the Government of the day in collaboration with other political parties who were involved in the incident. The perpetrators who were influenced by the political leaders and those responsible for this day of infamy and shame must be accorded mercy to enable that the truth set’s us free. It is easy to claim innocence and moral high ground on account of defending one’s party or oneself .  Before offering defence or excuses consider the following:
·       Quotes that were aggressive and proactive which would have created deep set animosity, anger  and injury as follows are registered in documents during the various protest.
-         Malays return to your villages, we are now in power
-         Hey Sakai, you can return to the jungle
-         Death to the Malay aborigine- go back to the jungle
-         Death to the Malay
-         Blood debts will be repaid with blood
·                 Obscenities and offensive gestures were directed at the policemen
·                 Both Chinese and Indian groups were intimidating and shouting insults  at Malays in their vehicles near the roundabout leading to Maxwell school, while cars with Chinese and Indians were allowed to go through without harassment.
·                 A poor and unfortunate Malay gentleman by the name of Kassim Bin Omar was killed for no rhyme or reason on the 24th April 1969 for no rhyme or reason in a degrading manner – his perpetrators were never brought to justice.

It is rather sad and ironic that the opposition and its supporters  in victory never knew how to be magnanimous and gracious to the defeated who were fellow Malaysian. The affrontary   gloating, taunting, arrogance and insults were unacceptable despicable conducts that the opposition parties may have perpetrated and instigated by omission or commission. The frenzy, massacre and mayhem that followed should never be thought of or accepted as plot that was conceived, constructed and masterminded by cold calculated scheming brutality. Looking at all available facts it just seems like a build up of tension was the consequence of our politicians- nobody would have expected matters to get out of hand including our politicians, it was a naive terrible and grave miscalculation on their part.       
The political responsibility of the leadership and discipline of its supporters was a serious infringement. Is UMNO innocent and absolved in this matter? I believe they are just as complicit and must consider accepting the responsibility. Just view the matter objectively and ask oneself the following questions:

·                 Why after forty four years we don’t have as many Malay’s in DAP or Gerakan? Despite the parties having essentially good political structures, and leaderships with open policies, they are unable to attract a groundswell of Malays or persons of other ethnicities?
·                 The insecurity on the ground has ensured that the political ruling party goes into survival mode or the siege mentality syndrome. The following actions though detrimental were instituted over a period of time to ensure one ethnic group dominated
-         The civil services
-         The police
-         The army
-         The judiciary
-         Key Government positions
-         University intakes
-         In education

Just about every segment was infiltrated in such a manner. I believe in taking such an extreme course of protective action, which though understandable, had direct consequences and implications on the loss of potential of the best human capital of outstanding persons from across the ethnic groups who potentially could may have made us a world class nation par excellence was forsaken by motives that started off on a noble foundation but eventually was enmeshed by sinister, insidious and dubious thoughts at the best. The fact is the policies of our ruling elite have systemically deprived, destroyed and depreciated the country. The lack of courage to show the world the best in Malaysia will be the defining legacy of the ruling party in years to come. We are tethering and languishing at the rungs just above the foothold of the countries deemed to be lowest. 

I believe the future viability and credibility of political parties will be attained if they on a common principal, conceive the effort, commit their collective goodwill throw their  support behind a truth and reconciliation committee or commission on the tragedy of  May 13Th 1969. If one honours the simple commitment to truth, it honours those who died, honours those who living among us were traumatised, honours the survivors and the citizenry at large – they would exercise the conscience from the eye of the soul and record the truth. Anything less is a desolation of ideals, a desecration of hope, and an abandonment of the entrustment of each one’s votes.       

The first two leaders who followed Tuanku were essentially good men who did their utmost to develop the nation. Each had their own style, there was nothing brilliant, exceptional or extraordinary about their capabilities.  The face of corruption which manifested itself in the popular and powerful Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Harun Idris was  met with  the resolve and constitution of steel by the PM of the day Tun Hussein Onn. The moment he allowed for rule of law to be enforced within his own party the dice of destiny on the roulette wheels of politics would ensure that this principled man was doomed to leave the office of PM to a successor who though a successful PM  in terms of structural development but a dwarf in terms of nation building, unity and bridging the soul of a nation. In this respect the Prime Ministers before the Doctor were persons who brought humanity to the citizens.

The Doctor brought about development and as such is awarded the title ‘ Bapa Moden’. One would not find leaders of other nations having titles with the exception of the North Korean leadership. Such worship or adulation is contemptible as it   deleterious in implying that Malaysia suffers from a deficit of intelligent citizen. Given the resources any person with sufficient knowledge and will may have improved and advanced Malaysians in far more progressive manner. I contend that greatness is earned when you knit and sew the differences together by recognizing the strengths of  appreciable diversities we have in our midst. Greatness is earned when a real leader can extend protection and care to minorities. The measure of a leader’s strength is known when he can accord equality to all sundry. The era from the 1980’s onwards was when the soul of the country was torn and ripped to shreds, it witnessed the decimation, degradation and sell out of traditional values. The conceptualising backbone of the Doctors era is what I  would call instant gratification of economic, social and deformed developementalism. Most Malaysian fell for this hook, line and sinker. The execution and deception were simple enough but the might of the state against the right of the citizens was a disproportionate and disadvantageous to the citizen.   In simple language, one can express as follows:

·                 A road was more important than a river.
·                 Mountains and Forest were  sacrificed for buildings and developments.
·                 Grass gave way to pavements
·                 Fields and badminton courts were decimated for growth.
·                 Shore lines and seas were barricaded for hotels and resorts
·                 Hazed grey skies overcame clear blue skies
·                 Freedom was enjoyed best behind bars
·                 Race and Religion ,pawns reduced to rhyme and riddle
·                 The simple traded for sophistication and sinful.

History must always seek to express the truths and wrestle with the positives and negatives of what transpired. With regard to development

·                 The NEP was designed with the best of intentions in the 60’s to alleviate or eradicate poverty among the Malays. It enriched very few and left the masses still in poverty. Some of our poorest citizens are Malays. A moral policy of unconditional assistance would have united people but because of the insidious and cynical manner of implementation – disillusionment and division is what has been reaped. The giving was a chain to support to ruling party.
·                 Placing the wealth in the hands of a few was a grievous error or an act of criminal negligence, I would choose the latter . A housewife, a fishmonger and a burger stall operator would know that they have to invest their monies in various securities to receive returns. The financial politics of developing people here is unsophisticated and unthinking and it actually borders despairingly on laziness. The structure was a blanket approach to just give contracts to one group or individual which is a serious infringement of basic governance. Any idiot with some level of education  can do this, the specification is almost fail safe. The manipulation with the finance institutions and taxes was at an unprecedented level which continues unabated until this very day.
·                 Trusting the wrong people was a colossal blunder with the exception of one legendary finance minister, all others were dismissal and had failed miserably.

I believe that this country was and is blessed with natural resources that even  a mediocre or ordinary leader whose intellectual capacity is found wanting will not have a difficult task of governance. We have never needed a leader of exceptional brilliance to do the maths to make us a developed nation. We have also had resourceful and creative individuals and a hardworking population. This is precisely the reason I believe we must not fall over each other to worship or pay tribute to our leaders. Each citizens hard earned money was used to support our leaders and we expect that they will serve the people well. This is akin to being employed and given command of a company and its operations, one is expected to fulfil the specification of the job according to the contract and leave when the contract is fulfilled. There is no hero worshipping or according a person God like status.
Have our leaders represented us well on the International stage? It is appalling, embarrassing and shameful that we have the leader of country expressing views that are caustic and so horrendous, not just once but consistently on many occasions. It is reprehensible to note that nothing could evoke sympathy for the innocents that have died. How can such a person be considered a statesman or a national leader ? It is very painful and shameful but we must acknowledge we had a leader who was and is a bona fide racist in equivalence to those who perpetrated the atrocities in the 2nd world war and other times in History. I just wonder how many innocent lives were lost due to the hate filled speeches which would have inspired some lunatic in some part of the world to kill another human being on views promoted by one of our ex-Prime Minister.   Some of the views espoused were as follows:   

·                 The Jews for example are not merely hook-noosed, but understand money instinctively – 1970.
·                 “The Jew’s have always been a problem in European countries. They had to be confined in ghettoes and periodically massacred. But they still remain, they thrived and held a whole government to ransom… Even after their massacre by the Nazis of Germany,(Jews) survived to continue to be a source of even greater problems for the world…. The holocaust failed as a final solution.”- January 2010.

This is one of the most reprehensible, vile, and uncouth expression from a statesman of so called international stature. The above kind of statements or expression in the world are virtually extinct, persons are castigated for such expressions. In our country we have been subject and exposed to some primitive fossilization of thoughts and philosophies that are demented and vulgar against life. I cringe in embarrassment and deep shame when I think that Malaysia was represented on the world stage by such crass remarks.   

It is abhorrent but we as members of the public were through a  combination of propaganda, marketing, salesmanship, brinkmanship, media, want of security, education and legal intimidation through every available apparatus were intimidated and awed in a comprehensive manner.  A small and conscientious vocal minority were effectively shackled and repressed by various means and methods.

In a most systemic manner the safeguards were dismantled and decimated to suit the needs of the politics of the day. The constitution which is deemed the vehicle of ownership of each community’s legal, political and social aspersions was torn asunder. That which protects and accords each person the inalienable right to citizenship and the security which accompanies it have in the face of multiple vulnerabilities: have had their confidence, shaken, devalued and destroyed to such an extent that we experienced migrations. We do not need to hire million dollar consultants to tell us what is wrong, just send out a brief two page letter list of questions asking people the top five reasons for leaving the country- the top three answers though anyone’s guess would cement what people require. It is very painful but I have heard so many parents tell their children, “ stay where you go, don’t come back, there is no future here, given the circumstances” . Now these are parent’s who know that such decisions would eventually consign them to face the twilight years of life alone with the accompanying inconveniences and deepest personal tragedies. Only people with no choice would drink the cup filled with the concocted potions of bitter choices. Is this not a sad reality ?

Another jolt of reality was the death of our beloved gregarious, noble and simple Tuanku Abdul Rahman who passed away in December 1990 suffered when he chose to oppose the Government of the day. The man who had understood  and stood for a real substantive democracy and forged the unity among races and promoted strong institutions in Malaysia  was treated in a shabby manner. To this days we do not have a day in our Malaysian Calendar assigned either to honour his birth or death . From various sources it is made known that he died virtually penniless and this is the sword that really cut deep among us common folk. It is simply heartbreaking that our avuncular Baba Kemerdekaan was not accorded greater dignity or respect. If a founding father can be treated in such a contemptible manner, what hope is there for ordinary Malaysians? Do we have anyone with his vision and calibre to resuscitate and calibrate the beautiful dream that we call Malaysia with aspirations of the people?


The irreconcilable might of the state was seen  is in direct conflict against the rights of common citizens. Operation Lalllang, Memali and reformasi brought the simple truth home to some citizens who understood the draconian measures that were instituted against the citizens.    Under the darkest clouds a nation witnessed in shock and horror the gut wrenching sight of the sons of the nation in the police force especially beating, brutalizing and suppressing the father’s and grandfather’s whose lips uttered the words ‘ reformasi’. The same  was witnessed by the older members of the force who directed the security apparatus to curb the young in the same brutal manner, the dreams of the young  who are the repository of a nation’s hope were simply cut to pieces. The so called father’s of our nation who are to be regarded as the sentinel of the citizen’s trust – betrayed this trust.

Hindraf and the first Bersih moments simply reinforced the reality that our Government will not listen to the voice of the masses and would use every opportunity to subjugate, suppress and oppose with all available instruments and institutions that were supposed to protect the citizens of the country. 

July 9th 2011 will in the minds of right thinking Malaysians be remembered as a day of infamy. There are various perceptive I propose must be considered to understand and encompass the diverse range of thoughts and feelings that people may have about the attempt to crush Bersih 2.0 on this day.  The implications and ramifications on the actions of the Government I propose must be dissected, scrutinised and presented to enable our intellectually impaired Government to understand the feelings and aspirations of the people that they have failed in dismissal manner to fulfil, respect or realize the severity of their actions.

The simple fact that Government which is essentially elected to serve and protect the people, have with arrogance and impunity attacked the masters who elected them and paid them for services was a realization that eventually sunk in.

To state the obvious the taxpayer’s funds from the earnings of all citizen’s have been used to
-         Mobilise the security apparatus of the state that in essence is supposed to protect the people, but have been ordered to attack the people it swore to protect.
-         Tear Gas canisters, batons, guns, uniforms, trucks and training have all been procured from taxpayer’s funds.
-         The salary of each and every security personal is from taxpayer’s funds.

The protectors of the people have instead become strange bedfellows with the servants and have followed the instruction of the servant to deny the masters or rather their employers the right to walk on their own property. The issuance of a simple permit with the necessary assistance would have averted or avoided an unpleasant confrontation. To put it in another way: assuming the Government is the Father and we the children, would a Father deny his child the space in the home on any pretext. Even if there is some unseen or unknown form of danger lurking the Father as protector of the child’s interest would accompany the child. In this instance the Father provided weapons and gave specific orders that if the children attempted to enter any part of the house the Father deemed as not appropriate for the child, the instructions were clear maim, injure or kill.

The most repugnant, appalling, painful   and disdainful conduct was to allow that the ranks of protectors who chosen from among the people were with tacit approval and under the guise legal convenience as a shield were instructed to allow that a son could fire upon his father or grandfather, a father likewise could baton charge and kick his son or daughter. The masters who marched as one, irrespective of race, creed, status or age were treated worse than animals and hounded in an unthinkable and cruel manner.

The security apparatus that go by the name ‘Polis di-Raja Malaysia’ which directly implies that in this service one is imbued with the sense of nobility that is drawn from conduct that is royal. The conduct of the police was anything but Royal or Nobel. The training and so called discipline that the police received has been used to subjugate and trample upon the basic rights of the people. 

Though I highlight the excess of the Police in this and many other instances, the force cannot be faulted as each of the structures that form good governance have been intentionally weakened over the years. Our police have shown the professional capacity and capability against real threats when they are free, unfortunately they are crippled by the years of political abuse.
The abuse has now become a way of life, we have criminals who meet their end in a dubious manner, we have fourteen years old who drive a car without a valid licence being killed, we have prisoners in lock-up’s throughout the country dying under the watch of the police. If this is not premeditated execution, murder or  legalised barbaric acts against citizens- what shall we call it ?

The naked power of the executive breached the dreams of each and every citizen. I always share with friends that robber’s, rapist, prostitutes and paedophilia’s(whom I think are the worst) could not hold a light of comparison against a bad politician or be a politician, but a politician is such a chameleon they would easily fit into any of the mentioned demented, degrading occupations in a seamless manner as would a person who use a new pair of glove when the old is slightly soiled.  The moment a Prime Minister’s decision in his official capacity is responsible for the death of  even one of its citizen or cause grief without justification – the holder of this office has failed by all accounts. Should we accord the title of ‘ Father or Bapa’ to those leaders who have turned us sons and daughters against each other, stripped us of our dignity, robbed us of our souls, crushed our conscience on the deception of market development and advancement , and made us a disparate nation of individual beggars who crave the harmony and peace of brotherhood and sisterhood on so little- How poor and desperate we have become! If I could forsake and trade modernization, advancement, progress and development of structure’s which is a curse for the precious and irreplaceable value of a simple and beautiful life, I would in the blink of an eye trade everything that I have.

Do we have a grievance remedial mechanism against the excess of the executive?  Yes we do and it is with us, though not in the form we would have liked. It is known as people’s power, if the citizen’s hold peaceful, non-violent protest it would reflect to the executive the needs and wants of the masses. The morality of legislation, justice or reasonableness even if it is entrenched in the constitution should be challenged and changed if it has a negative impact on society at large.  If there are existing laws that are harsh, oppressive and do not display in any manner a propensity towards justice, fairness or mercy it should be dismantled in its entirety or renovated with clarity that cannot be breached. The constitution has been tempered and changed on so many occasions – changing it for the better to improve lives, security, unity, preserve harmony, justice or any other cause of dignified moral trust, should always be a considered option. We may vote for an opposition in the hope of change but we must never trust the political animal on whichever side of the divide and keep the options available to change by the sheer will of the people.

With regards to titles ‘ Bapa Pemodenan or Father of Modernization’ – we must be very clear on the honorific titles accorded, our fathers never hurt us with imprisonment, differentiate between us or rob from one to give another. It is most unfortunate but the travesty is that whoever has followed the Doctor are unable to steer us away from the excess that have characterised his governance  in the opposite direction.

I do not think the main agenda or motivation of the powers of the day is a blind act of  blatant racism, religious supremacy, or any other reason.  Looking at it  through the history of such occurrences, anything that was authentic to race or religion would have eliminated a majority of us.  This is nothing more sinister than greed which runs our politics. Protection of  race and religion are the layers of excuses that are used to cover the greed, Look at it from this angle the manipulation and deceit are that which belong to business trying to outdo each other. The politicians  have become businessmen.  The political parties  especially of the ruling party is a business entity masquerading as a political party.  Why not a straight approach like Hitler or South Africa of the past.  Such an approach would have collapsed like a deck of cards.  The community of the world would have immediately instituted  and passed sanctions or an embargo against  our country . The current approach is fine tuned to such an extent this it is difficult  on the surface to state  what is precisely wrong. We point our fingers at corruption, race, religion without  seeing that the backbone which has destroyed this nation is plain unadulterated greed followed by power.

Taking into account and recognizing the fact that democracy may be the strongest among the weakest options of governance and service to the citizens. In knowing that a system is weak we must search for viable options that can be assimilated to strengthen our existing system without compromising on the safeguards.  Let us engage in some simple wishful thinking on the ideals, possibilities and expectations of what could be done if we had the Government that we desired. This is not in any particular order.


·                 Have the same quality of dedicated teachers that we have had in the past.
·                 Ensure that the key Education portfolio inclusive of ministers is not a political appointment. Keep politics totally out of the education system.
·                 There must be a good balance of teachers from the fabric of our ethnic, social and cultural diversity.
·                 The cream of Teacher’s with more than ten or fifteen years of experience should be selected as headmasters or headmistress.
·                 Enforce a high and indisputable standard of discipline.
·                 No Chinese, Tamil, or Malay schools, even religious schools – just nationalize all schools. This may be a very controversial of matters but it should be negotiated with the specific guarantees and accordance of rights to each race. God Help me on this I will be castigated and my skin literally peeled from my person.   
·                 Build and equip the best  schools in the most interior and inaccessible of regions for the most disadvantaged of communities and I express this for the Orang Asli and other ethnic minorities. These schools must have a complete concept of boarding, food, clothing etc to enable the best possible is accorded for no charge.
·                 Remove or renovate the national services programme. When a child is at an age twelve allow for an internal home stay programme of one month between the various states. When a child reaches the age of fifteen or seventeen, introduce them to a mandatory one year programme of volunteerism in a conducive and safe environment outside Malaysia. This should be considered an integral part of the education system.
·                 House the schools for the disabled, mentally handicapped, blind etc within the same perimeter of the national schools to ensure that our children grow up in the midst of differences and cultivate empathy and deep sense of reverence for the special ones among us.
·                 Have a Teachers exchange programme with the countries that have the best education system.
·                 In as far as possible keep the Teachers family unit together with them wherever they are posted with adequate compensation factored for the partner of the teacher on loss of income.
·                 To draw and acknowledge the best in the education system, pay the best professional salaries.


·                 The same salient points as advocated for the education system should be applied to the medical system.
·                 The doctors who are in Private practice should by law  accord  a specific number of working days in a month to serve in Government hospitals where they should be paid accordingly. This should cover the Private medical hospitals.
·                 Those who serve as housemen in Government hospitals should also be seconded to private clinics for a specific number of days to provide hands on treatment.
·                 Specialist centres within the Government hospital structures should be encouraged to enable that the best doctors can command professional fees within the system.
·                 The development of specialist centres for the most common critical illness must be considered.
·                 The most disadvantaged, marginalised and communities who live in the most inaccessible or remote areas must be accorded the highest quality of treatment.
·                 All charges of Private hospitals must be controlled and treatment must be of an affordable quality.

It is unacceptable when citizens die due to lack of medical care or sufficient expenditure being allocated to medical. A death or disability due to not having accessible medical care is tantamount to negligence and can be equated to murder.  We are facing needless deaths as the ordinary citizen  cannot afford medical care.


·                 These portfolios it is proposed must be a direct mandate through the electoral process and the citizens chose their Prime Minister and his deputy. The office of Prime Minister does not necessarily have to be a person from a winning party. The qualification for this proposal is due to the fact that there seems to be a loaded gun of politics against the PM’s head and he is literally paralysed by the alliances that he has formed in detriment to the wishes and rights of the citizens. We have changed the constitution so many times to meet the needs of the various times and it is time we relook this very important governance/service structure. The most important consideration is that we have a PM who is there for all Malaysians.
·                 This portfolio need not be race, religious or gender based, anyone elected by a majority should be accorded the position.
·                 The term of office should not exceed more than two terms of five years.


·                 Restructure the civil service and reduce the size.
·                 Chose the most qualified on merit
·                 Pay dignified income.
·                 It must be contractually written that they will serve the whichever party is elected to the state or federal government.
·                 Political appointments should be taken out of the system and strategic positions should be on merit.
·                 Pensioners must have their pensions revised according to inflation rates.


We as a nation have moral choices: we can either on the premise of decency accord our indigenous communities every conceivable engineered advantage with a reasonable time frame
·                 To restore and respect their rights to their lands
·                 Promote their traditions and way of life,
·                 Ensure they are financially secure
·                 Have accessibility to education and medical treatment.

Or we can choose to lose the treasure and gifts of our indigenous communities and decimate them with the same conduct which destroyed the Red Indians in a reprehensible and shameful manner that gave birth to the USA.


·               This requires a comprehensive transformation and revamp. It is spine chilling to the bone when we have ex-members of the judiciary promoting racial and religious superiority.
·               I really feel a an RCI must be established to ensure that the judiciary in never tempered and remains an impartial institution.
·               The law has been demolished, destroyed and decimated to such an extent that respect for the law is eroding right before our eyes. There is an evidential gap between the rich and poor that is increasing.
·                 There is conspicuous consumption at the highest levels of governance which borders on vulgarity, which is so obvious to even the most thick headed individuals. The profanity of common sense where one can rob the citizens with impunity and have legitimate immunity is an example of the degradation and depreciation of the policing authority and the judicial system.


There has been so much written and expressed about corruption that just about everyone is exposed to all aspects of this. Our young eight year old children are well aware of this word and the implications. There seems to be very little in the way of real concerted effort to seriously address the concerns. There is no way that we will resolve this unless the key institutions which can act against this are protected and set free. The existing Penang and Selangor state governments though not exceptional or brilliant in governance are the examples of windows of opportunities and glimpses of what can be done for the citizens if one is able to curb this ill that has plagued the country. Without exception an independent MACC would have its hands full investigating prominent individuals especially politicians and the elite of the leadership who have become wealthy and are unable to substantiate their wealth.  


All government linked companies should be sold lock, stock and barrel. The essential structure of a government is not to operate from a profit and loss standpoint like a business entity. It’s responsibility is to manage the country- period. The profit’s from the sale of GLC should be used in a comprehensive and prudent manner for the benefit of the marginalised and poorest among our society.
The crucial or strategic services that were privatized must be returned to the citizens. It is an appalling  contrast of profanities  when one thinks of the salaries of SYBAS and TENAGA head honchos who are receiving millions and how  the ordinary citizens struggles with bread and butter issues. All highway concessions must be renegotiated or just bought over. EPF should be a direct representation of the tax payers. In each of these we can have their finances and tenders scrutinised by MACC, treasury and bank Negara.     

There is also what I would term as a significant prostitutionalisation of our electoral system and process. The representation in parliament is of such an imbalance that we do not have adequate and meaningful representation. We also have major federal cities voting the opposition and yet the key management portfolios are Government controlled. It is an anomaly and the citizens as such are inadequately represented. Here again there have been varied and creative suggestions proposed but it a brick wall of indifference.


The electronic and print media are paralysed with fear. We are not immune to fear of death, loosing friends, family, property, earning, poverty isolation, ill health or failure. I feel however that the security blanket of progress, advancement, harmony has lulled us and made us complacent . The media becomes a voice and mouthpiece for our politicians and the subsequent result is to  plant in us so called  common sense of conventional wisdom – do not rock the boat and all will be well.  This is the most insidious form of fear masquerading and cloaked in the picturesque harmony. It is akin to being dogs on a leash, the length of the leash is how far one can run - this is the reality.

Small daily acts of courage by unsung heroes and heroines   from the late  Irene Fernandez, the late Karpal Singh, bloggers Raja Petra Kammaruddin, Mariam Mokhtar, Steven Ng, lawyer Datin Ambiga, National Laureate Pak Samad, Bishop Paul Tan, Catholic priest Lawrence Andrew, social activists Marina Marthir  and countless other sacrificing their lives are  condemned  as foolish, reckless, insignificant or futile. Insults and abuse are hurled at these individuals. Their crime is that preserving  ones self-respect and inherent human dignity are very real threat. Why do we have a person with impartial knife edge opinions of critical sensibility in the calibre of Raja Petra Kamaruddin who for better or worse to his detractors or supporters is hounded out of this country? Our country has successfully developed a specialization in a  specific area of talent ; it is able to use every conceivable method and apparatus to massacre the voice of freedom and sensibility. Our bloggers especially the ones who are impartial and independent of affiliation to political parties have rendered a great service are viewed with contempt  as traitors to either race, religion or country or if they point out opposition faults they are categorized and accused of being government lackeys.

It is most difficult for a population conditioned by a combination of fear and handouts to ignore the crushing might of the state and free themselves from the enervating miasma of fear.  Yet we find under the darkest circumstances women and men of raw courage rises up from the ranks to fight for simple truths and freedom which is a far better option than fear. In one of my songs, I have written ‘ There is a greatness in the unknown’ .This unknown can only be known when we find the courage to better lives of our fellow citizens whom we ought to call brothers and sisters, this also means engaging the worst opponents of our ideals in a constructive and respectful manner.  I feel that we will suffer irretrievable intellectual backwardness and become unsophisticated and unthinking when we allow that a disposition of unquestionable, unchallengeable and unaccountable governance is allowed to exist. A strong government will never be afraid of challenges. A clear example is the recent tragedy of the MH 370 that placed our Government in the limelight, I do not doubt that our Government tried to handle it with all the efficiency and sensitivity it could muster – yet it was a spectacular but sad failure which highlighted the glaring weakness in our Government structure. The threats against citizens, the foreign media and general handling unfortunately exposed the incompetence under real life situations. Some of the key reasons that I would attribute are as follows:
·                 The propensity not to listen and arrogantly think one know best.
·                 The insecurity of never accepting challenge and resolving it decisively to the benefit and advantage of two parties. When dialogue or communication is either a shut up or locked up scenario, one never grows or matures. 
·                 The lack of transparency
·                 The quality of personnel in strategic positions.
·                 The siege mentality and tunnel vision approach

It is a fact that every challenge is an experience and opportunity to grow and hone one’s skills. In failing to accept challenges the Government has fallen and failed very badly. This incident also revealed the immaturity of some opposition members  Instead of presenting a united front, we were compromised when they simply attacked the Government in an opportunistic manner. The government should have also recognized that a responsible opposition should be accorded due respect and invited to work together in times  of National or International tragedies.   

Much our heartache, insecurities, discord and aggression seem to gravitate towards God, faith and religion which is an indispensable structure of our lives. We can safely absolve God of hatching a diabolic plot of such complexity that the best intellectual minds and spiritual souls are unable to solve. Have our lives improved through the belligerent, bickering, aggressive and disrespectful arguments. It is important enough an issue to address and must be acknowledged as  contentious and divisive . We are all trapped and caged by an impoverishment of goodwill that has crippled us, and the irony is that it is just a three letter word called God. And this arguments  is perpetrated on  behalf of a God who is acknowledged to have created all of us. It is ludicrous but we have engineered all kinds of complexities, probabilities through the pitfalls of conversions, the prohibition of the Allah word and others elements creeping in quietly. This has ensured that we will have an endless possibility  of eternal arguments which will use our valuable time and it is also a proliferation on the shocking degrees of insanity between so called rational educated individuals which exist from all strata’s of society.

As a nation our politicians are quick to bring God into the picture of existence for whatever reasons that best suit us. We claim to love God and use our religious people, organization and related NGO’s to express our love of God. It is really pathetic and shameful when one’s soul search reveals.

·                  Our love for God is of such intensity that in our obsession we claim exclusive right to Him and forsake our brothers and sisters. We injure our citizens in the name of God.
·                  We are the only nation in the world that offers God protection, how offensive is this? It shows God as a weak pawn incapable of taking care of Himself.
·                  If we really love and honour God we would try our utmost to stamp out corruption, we would promote equality, we would reach the marginalized and down trodden, we would care for each child, we will look at women’s rights, we will accord dignity to the weak and the prisoners as well. We will accord the highest care to the special needs and socially marginalised, we will treat the foreign workers with respect, we will ensure that refugees are well sheltered.  We will respect the laws and the constitution and change what is disadvantageous to our citizens. We will not abuse our power in any manner whatsoever.
·                  We will not insult the minorities of the various races or religion. We will accord the deepest reverence and respect to all without exception.
·                  Will we by the grace of God respect our opposition in politics and acknowledge that they are a necessary check and balance and fundamental vital requirement of challenge for betterment?
·                  Will we have the courage to accept the unconventional approach and simple wisdom of the many Ambigas, Pak Samad and Karpal Singh’s in our midst?
·                  Will we ensure if our lives are ordained and guided by God we will use the wealth of the nation in an equitable and responsible manner.
·                  Are we the kind of nation that in acknowledgment of God’s greatness not flaunt or display our religious believes or race  as superior to our brother and sister.
·                  In our belief of a compassionate God will we agree to disagree and still hold the deepest respect for each other?

I believe that if we examine our conscience, where our spirit resides and search in a meaningful manner on our root position, of our personal relationship to God, We may find that differences are as thin as a paper. If we are subservient to the natural dictates of that water of goodness which flow from our respective faiths we will find appreciable qualities. If we represent our faith with the calibre of sacrifice, to break our hearts and tear our souls, for the brothers and sisters of various faiths, or the atheist, we will undoubtedly   touch and shape lives in an eloquent and powerful manner. But if we choose to fight over religion or God, we are simply a nation of persons who do not understand faith in manner or spirit it was conceived and I am sure our hearts and souls will be darkened beyond recall.  Is it better not to have faith at all ?

The concern is not exacerbated nor exaggerated when we have National politicians and well known religious figures spewing excrement of production line public statements; championing racial and religious bigotry like swaggering drunks. It just makes one wonder how low is low?

I believe that a good faith can never be destroyed or decimated. If it can be destroyed then it is lies, if it is not strong enough to protect the dignity of other faiths it simply is not worth the following, due to its insecurity, if it tramples on the rights of other faiths- it is no more evil than the creed of the devil. A faith that injures, divides or separates is a gross violation on the concept of what constitutes God. We must recognize that only lies are afraid of being broken and only lies need legal or political protection. God, faith or religion have been hijacked in our beloved country. We ordinary citizens of various faiths must link hands and reclaim the noble virtues of our respective faiths and see each other with purity and innocence which emanates from real faith.   

Sometimes the best and most unconditional manner to challenge , evaluate and seek  the best in us and establish the credentials of our character is to serve and do good on the presumption that God does not exist, that we will all die to nothingness. Will we courageous and strong enough to be good to each other without the motivation of heaven, renewal or the hereafter? What if the personal benefit of being a hero is absent; the benefit of physiological betterment of ourselves in helping another is absent, assuming we have to die to save another’s life, even if that person has only day left to live and we have fifty years left, will we give our lives for another, on the premise that it is good for the other person. Is there a love and giving stronger than our personal desire and politics? If there is I have yet to see this in the current politics or politicians   of this nation. Our ills are also the responsibility of the citizens, on so many issues our silence has been taken for acquiescence or fear and our passivity and calm taken for acceptance. We ought to be more vociferous and demanding of our government, politicians and political parties  that each person’s faith is a personal matter and it should never be dictated to the citizens. 

We must question our nation when the leader who essentially wants to be known as a Father and loved as one, will dictate to one child how to address God and give another child the propriety rights to address God in the manner that he feels. I am a father and within my family I have my children and there are some who are stronger in an intellectual manner than their sibling and I will not allow their intellectual ability to beat their sibling, likewise if one child is stronger in a physical manner, he should protect the ones that are not as strong. Is not our nobility and grace determined in how a majority would dignify and protect the minority, or is the majority of such a squalid and weak disposition that they would suppress, trample and undermine the minority. Where are we? Who are we? What are we?

Racism and racial stereotyping are always have an extension and new life. Some of what I have heard is as follows:

·                     Drunk and wife beater is bound to be an Indian
·                     Sexual abuse and incest would be Malay
·                     Lazy or stupid people would be Malay or Indian
·                     Having mistress is the realm of the Chinese
·                     Money lender and ah longs are Chinese
·                     Good business acumen Chinese
·                     Gangsters would be Indians
·                     Drug takers and amphetamines users are Malays

The list is endless and there is always some imbecile who will come up with some new concoctions of racism. No one it seems is immune, from the highest ranks of Governance, religious bodies, Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers, intellectuals, rank and file professional   to the  ordinary citizen , will in some way somewhere will find some justification or rational to pass statements.    
Despite our advancements and progress in all spheres that ought to make us complete, we have this inexcusable, repulsive and repugnant conduct of shame. It has no place in this day, age or time- we must resolve to eradicate this in its entirety.   We must acknowledge it is widespread and we must institute laws against racism in every possible environment and situation. It is something that I foresee is going to be exceptionally difficult as it is institutionalised and woven into the fabric of our Governance and society , and has been legitimised by laws. The hope here lies in the fact that the DNA of our respective conscience, and various faiths challenge  do not allow for justification of superiority under any pretext.  We must have zero tolerance and acceptance of this plague.  

We propagate, catalogue and stereotype the monopoly of weakness or negative habits and categorize, designate or assign them to specific ethnicities to monopolise. This is so very sickening and self-destructive. Without the slightest modicum of evidence or substantive evidence we in such a flippant manner desecrate and defame our nationhood by attaching to the rich cultural diversities unfair negatives. The consequences and repercussions are that we will taint our innocent population – the children who inherit this good country.  

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