I have been following the attempts to
introduce the private bill on Hudud that politicians of PAS would like to
tender for acceptance. I have some opinion that is formulated and based on my
conscience, life experiences and the people I meet. I do not profess to have
in-depth knowledge of my own Christian faith or any other faith for that
matter. I am not going to quote any of the Holy Books or scriptures to support
my opinion as this would be a never ending road to intellectual and ineffectual
debate of persons trying to prove each other wrong on behalf of God.
There is a backdrop against what I am
many wars and conquest of a religious nature and unspeakable atrocities were
committed by the various followers of religion in the name of God.
find clerics and religious authority citing some religious law or other as
evidence to justify their actions.
I am inspired by persons whose life
actions are in excess of my thoughts.
They are good individuals whose lives are lived in quite dignity. I am
just expressing some of them.
have two violin student’s a Muslim
doctor and his daughter who are person’s of great compassion and love and
utterly dedicated to his profession. The daughter comes with the father for the
lessons and she is such a beautiful soul.
violin student is Muslim Lawyer and a grandson from the distinguished Onn
family. His position accords him the comforts to live a good life. The natural
propensity to inconvenience himself and help other individuals is food for
Adeeba Kamarulzaman who has reached out to persons who are HIV positive and
serves to dignify lives that are rejected by society.
previous staff who is a Muslim who has his fair share of disadvantages, weakness
and challenges is also one whom I draw inspiration from. I will never forget
the Wednesday afternoon when my schedule was full of lessons he came in and
requested my assistance to take a dog that was obviously abused and lying
helpless in a deep drain, where both its hind legs and ribs were broken. The
drain was filled with a combination of revolting odours- excrement, decayed
food , rotting flesh, and all kinds of garbage inclusive of water that was
putrid and dark. The dog nearly bit both of us quite a few times and we were
overcome by nausea and vomiting. We managed to place the unfortunate animal in
my car and drove back all the way to my home grasping our breath for obvious
reason. The dog died within the day. The compassion to try and save the life of
an animal despite the overwhelming odds and not abandon it to its fate is a
compelling lesson that the dictates of religion alone do not characterize our
response. I believe these are moments that the light of God inspires and
touches a person across the boundaries of faith and ethnicity to have the grace
of an angel.
Dr.Muzamil , Ms. Aida Muzamil, Prof Adeeba Mr.Rizal Onn and Mohammad Ruzi are among the
exceptional Muslims and Malays who are placed in my life by providence or God
for a reason beyond my comprehension. Their exemplary lives are sufficient
evidence of the good that resides in the
Muslim faith. Such lives also compel us
to address concerns with regard to faith in a manner of sensitive discernment
and discourse to find a better path or a kinder way.
I believe that most faiths profess the
message of equality, justice and mercy. This is precisely one among the various
compelling reasons why silence is not an available option on laws that affect
every person. Unjust applications based on the principal foundation of
religious references or what is passed off as a Divine teaching is susceptible
to abuse. I contend that laws that impact life or limb without the possibility
of rehabilitation and restoration of life must be subject to the highest
discourse and debate on its application. How does one prevent the coterie of
undesired results that may emanate from such implementation? Do we fully
understand the ramifications and repercussions of laws which may infringe on
the rights that have been won by struggle of lives lost, sculptured, nurtured
and reshaped over the years to secure the highest possible human standard for
A faith born or conceived from God will
unconditionally offer salvation to all He creates, irrespective of who they are
and what they are. I wonder when we reach Heaven’s gates, the pure soul who
opens the gates may be armless, the God who comes to greet us will be without
limbs or head and may express that each limb or head we removed was akin to
removing God’s own. We may sadly find deep shame in salvation.
Each human soul I believe is sent to the
world coated with layers of conscience either through nature or nurture or a
combination of both. We acquire the wisdom in the adventure and dance of life
through varied multifaceted experiences and challenges of victories, defeats,
failures, giving sharing’s, illness, sufferings and deaths. We are not immune to the grief that
perpetuates any part of the world. We are all tied and woven in an inescapable
garment of destiny. When one’s safety is threatened by dark ideals, we may
fight gut wrenching and heartbreaking
wars to secure and protect life as evidenced by the 2nd world war. There
is an inspirational true story of two young sibling who were founder and
members of a group known as Weisse Rose( White Rose). These young medical
students spoke out against Adolf Hitler and the impregnable fortress of the
Nazi regime- they lost their lives in the most brutal and cruel of
circumstances, yet their courage is a reminder that in the face of what may
seem to be overwhelming odds, must never prevent us from dignified defence. We
cannot on the premise of faith express that since one is not of a specific
faith one has no right to discuss a law that will affect everyone. The immense,
immeasurable and inspirational greatness of a faith that attracts is one that
will not impose but will live on the conceivable principal that equal
protection is accorded to each and every person. If a faith is offered as
nothing more than a poisoned chalice of
fear and faithfulness towards attaining
salvation, one is sadly forced and
dictated by laws to behave or lose life and limb. The imposition on others who
are non believers is also degradation and misrepresentation of the noble
intention of what is deemed as a good faith.
The motive to liberate each and every soul
and our awakening conscience is our moral compass that allows us to soul search
on what is the best that we ought to offer.
The weight of considerations that ought
to prevent laws even the Divine ones from being tendered must be allowed a
conscientious premise of objection as follows:
refusal, posturing, threats, innuendos, accusations, defamations or convoluted
responses to concerns or challenges are a very ominous sign and dark manifestation not of the laws per se but of the persons who
want to implement such laws. Any cleric, politician or party from whichever
side of the divide who will not engage the citizens in a respectful manner cannot
and should not be trusted- period!
that would affect and impact the most disadvantaged, marginalised and
innocent in our society pre-empts any attempt to even offers such laws as viable
disposition and extreme caution should be the order of the day, taking into
account that a disproportionate or small number of clerics and politicians
always constitute a strong vocal minority. Groups or individuals always project
causes without creditable, realistic
data or established facts and impose it on citizens across the board.
The deception and propaganda here is that we are led to believe that a majority
want and desire such laws. The mainstream media highlighting laws that may
essentially be supported by a fringe minority gives them a platform to advance
their causes and it is shameful sensationalism which sells that wins the day.
about the citizens who are differently educated the ones who may only speak and
understand their ethnic language ? What about the ones who were never exposed
to a formal education that liberate one’s minds to options and alternatives.
The representation to suggest or apply
such laws is arrogant, insensitive and disrespectful.
One aspect that is a grievous and growing
concern is the nature of the top layers of political leadership on both sides
of the divide. We may have perfect laws constructed in good faith and on the
other end of the spectrum we have a
conveyor belt of less than ordinary unscrupulous and unprincipled politicians
who have this uncanny receptivity to grade human rights according to ethnicity
or religion. They come coated with
diverse agendas from a rarefied stratosphere devoid of thought, and are
anything but exceptional.
Some have the audacity to insult, incite intolerance
and insensitivity. A display of insolence against public displeasure or opinion
shows how they can spit with the salvia of arrogance in defiance at the electorate knowing they
have immunity. This eventually contaminates other individuals who are given a
clear signal that they can do just about anything and get off with an
ineffective slap on the wrist.
Some in the religious parties and NGO’s rely
on fanaticism, fanning fears, fantasising of enemies who are far superior and
supreme and can confuse, convince and convert on a simple word. This
divisiveness and polarization need not exist, we are always getting piecemeal
solutions to what are simple succinct problems. What is it that such problems
keep reoccurring? We have elected enunciated individuals who are spineless with
a cosmic dark hole of ventilation with appalling ignorance and insensitivity to
represent us. Either it is impoverishment of understanding, sheer stupidity,
lack of education, vested interest or a combination of all that does not allow
them to solve an issue that lacks the depth complexity of other issues that
afflict certain parts of the world.
There are also the religious parties or
NGO’s that would support actions and laws which reflect primordial instinct
towards violence, which in turn perpetuates a vicious cycle of never ending brutality.
They pontificate sanctimoniously on the virtues of their faith and yet with
conceit and indecent haste are willing on fallacious arguments to enslave us on
laws that obviously are detrimental to a wide segment of the population. I have
no doubt that the guardians of law and morality who have been entrusted such
position by our votes are compromised and will equivocate in the face of fingerprint
feather pressure. The Jekyll and Hyde syndrome surfaces when they are presented
with sophisticated multi-billion dollar contracts that have to go through parliament or state legislatures
and it is done with such ease, that is virtually unnoticed. But here we have a
simple issue and procrastinations across the board are registered at the
highest levels. Does this not inform us with great clarity that we are intentionally expedient and as such subject
to an unnecessary debate of division through a cocktail of negligence,
incompetence, fear and an alarming lack of integrity.
In our desperation, when we find one
politician from the whole lot who has some semblance of average common sense we lose our composure and equate
it to finding a treasure-this is how bad it has become.
Can we create a sinless
society? I don’t know, I do not possess enough wisdom to adjudicate such
matter. I have a dictionary of weakness catalogued from A to Z. I believe
eradication of a sinful society is impossible. But I fear if we implement laws
to remove limb and life, each of us who were silent or imposed such travesty
would have our limbs intact but we may not enjoy the sauna in hell. And perhaps
Paradise would enjoy the benefit and privelege of the discarded sinners of
are the immeasurable, irrespirable ideals, ingredients and components that gives
faith its backbone to attract and inspires us to acts in excess of our human
limitations? Is it a faith:
an invitation of love as a principal foundation?
accords equality and respect to those considered non-believers?
dignifies human life to share with one’s neighbours
prompts one to give or sacrifice his/her life for the advancement of a
justifiable cause or protection of all life.
A moot point that ought to receive due
consideration is that despite the obvious manifestations of God or a religious afflictions
we have atheists who live very principled, altruistic and dignified lives and
also contribute to the advancement of society? Is this not deemed an
incompatibility when individuals who have no professed faith, calibrate their
lives towards good are able to resonate with deep harmony and peace towards
others and more often than not in excess of persons who profess a religious
Can we justify and deem our lives to far
superior and valuable on the premise that we have faith. It is inexcusable and
sheer arrogance when we claim superiority by virtue of faith or any other
concoctions that we invent to advance our claims. A few days ago a mother who
brings her young son over for violin
lessons expressed, quote ‘ No matter how foolish, irrational or illogical laws
may be, one will always use their intellect and find means to apply such laws, if
unsuccessful – they will use sheer brute force to apply it ‘ unquote.
Now I am respectfully articulating and
offering opinions that they may lend dignity to all without exception. I hope
that critical yet fruitful thinking will materialize from opinions tendered,
though it may seem provocative in nature, it is hoped that a non-Muslim is not
prohibited the freedom of expression on laws that may directly impact his/her
life. Though I have voiced disagreement
towards any form of capital punishment which deprives a person of life, I want
to believe that the proponents who want to implement Hudud must be acting in
good faith on the premise that they are undertaking divine mission as such I
would not view such challenges as an abomination or anomaly.
Now there are some prominent concerns
which I propose should be negotiated in a
very rational and spiritual manner. A multifaceted approach where the variables on the current needs of
society, the prescriptions in the Holy Books , the relevance to apply laws in
this day and age, and liberal usage of compassion and wisdom should perhaps be
the backbone of considerations.
It is my understanding that laws with
such severity would be promoted and based on the concept of creating an ideal
society that has specific components ingrained and implemented which provides a
narrow window or opportunity for transgressions against what is termed as
divine law. Would an ideal society be
one where :
is distributed with equality.
is accessible to all
employment opportunity
discrimination against race, religion or gender
and subsidized medical treatment
restriction is placed on minority religions
will be no disadvantaged or marginalised persons.
all are equal before the law
each and every family or individual has affordable housing
of corruption and poverty
and transparency by those in power.
I am not expressing about a basic
perimeter of acceptance in securing the above. There must be an effort that
provides not the ordinary but a perfect and exceptional structure of life. This prevent the thought of committing
any offence and the only motive or defence one can offer is insanity. Can the
proponents who want to apply such laws guarantee the ideal quality of life will
be assured as a preventative measure?
The statue of laws defines a real human
civilization that is advanced, progressive and in line with human aspersions
and as such it will always be open to discuss, debate, formulate, interpret and
enforce laws that would naturally gravitate towards the majority with sensitive
exceptions and considerations for the minority. A law as I understand it; is
not an antiquated instrument, as such it must be obviously realized that life
is larger than laws. Consistent reform according to social, economic, technical
realities would necessitate that laws are renovated, changed or discarded
according to times.
On a personal level I cannot and will not
accept any law :
requires blind obedience and fear of God.
proclaims itself superior to other laws
substantiate its strength, greatness or advantages
has not consideration or sensitivity to human weakness.
will divide people.
On the simple presumption that Hudud laws
are accepted and applicable. Some direct
concerns in no particular order
we immediately by law apply punishment for all who cannot substantiate their
wealth as having wealth in excess of one’s capacity means that it is an ill
gotten wealth.
all who have promoted and implemented unjust policies will be prosecuted and
must be recognised that the proposed laws were compatible for situations that
existed at that period in History, there are new situations and new types of
crimes that are evolving – the laws are simply not calibrated for such
allowances or developments.
also have everyday happenings of our young children who are developing in
families who would lie and steal and are we going to apply laws to have tongues
and hands of children removed.
also have in our midst a wide basket of persons with mental issues who may
steal or take another person’s life or commit other misdemeanours- How would
the law be applied against them?
there persons among us of such innocence, purity, build and constitution, that
they are in an exalted position to lord over us with such laws.
we have blanket assurance that one would be protected from repressive and
unjust treatment?
have Judges, prosecutors and persons in high positions within the Syriah system
who are supposed to implement laws being caught and prosecuted for the very
laws they are supposed to uphold. Would all the cases of this particular judge
be reviewed and expunged, and what would happen if a person was executed under
His watch. Would it not imply that the
persons who selected an immoral Judge be punished for their lack of auditing a suitable the candidate, which by
definition would be murder. The severity of the punishment for murder therefore
should be all involved should forfeit their lives.
There cannot be any ambiguity the
terminal finality of punishments as advocated by Hudud with its dire
consequences, encompasses and makes the shifting of evidence a matter of the
inescapable responsibility.
Our quest for unattainable perfection may
be a folly of sheer madness, which may utterly defeat and destroys us, none of
us can equate our conduct to God as such we cannot cast a stone on another
individual. The majestic and powerful eloquence in human life is filled with compelling
and beautiful stories of ordinary persons whose lives filled with numerous
disadvantages of being sown with hate, despair, destruction, loneliness from
birth and yet they can struggle and overcome the disadvantages and become the
finest among us. Isn’t this glory of the highest nature? This is triumph over
tragedy and is woven in the fabric of our society. Will we deprive and rob
ourselves of such stories? Is it the
sword of Laws preferred over the majestic touch of forgiveness, rehabilitation
and restoration that faith based laws can offer?
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