Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Acts of dumbness weaved into art of stupidity

30 Jun-The Ant Daliy
OPINION: Researchers and scientists are unable to provide rational reasons as to how we are able to tolerate and accept the consistent mind boggling stupidity we are subjected to.
The research community is actually considering extracting DNA from each Malaysian who is not affected by the stupidity syndrome to be used as a vaccine for lifetime against the ones who are carriers of stupidity genes. Consider the personal financial benefits.
The contribution of each and every ordinary Malaysian will be acknowledged through the ages. We in effect would have eradicated wars as the levels of stupidity would have been substantially reduced. Malaysians across the board must be nominated collectively for the Nobel peace prize. 
Even the so-called educated and titled among us are displaying an exceptional capacity to possess dumbness that equates with the famed limbo rock and often repeated adage “how low can you go?” The person with the fattest thoughts would grate and squirm to the sound of thunderous applause to slide past the lowest bar, and the bar may only be one millimetre off the ground.
If there was a special institution for this class of people, we have an excellent and colourful potpourri in the services of lecturers, teachers, film makers, headmasters, teachers, religious officials and bodies, NGOs, ex-judges, lawyers, politicians and the cream of leadership both past and present who could manage “The Dolts and Dimwits – Centre of Excellence” to be the most eminent in the world.
Who knows stupidity is the easiest qualification to attain a doctorate, research papers are not a requirement and plagiarism is a legal requirement. We must optimise the talent of persons who are infected with terminal stupidity and will just go on talking about racial and religious superiority when the whole world is striving to embrace each other with oneness? We have talented individuals who fit the bill to the boot.
These imbeciles are really making it so difficult for us ordinary folk, their gutter level behaviour and their positions make stupidity sound and look so complicated, intricate and out of our reach. The proliferation and pollution level of stupidity may actually increase to such a level that we may have others who may inadvertently be contaminated and infected. Psychoanalysts have already concluded that the malaise of stupidity is impenetrable and immeasurable as revealed by PET scans. Since it is irreversible, I beg the indulgence of each Malaysian to try your utmost to understand the affliction of stupidity that impacts our fellow countrymen.
There are some theories that have been expounded about the evolution of this plague. I register some of the thoughts that come about.
There must be some serious lack of emotional love or holding time. Sometimes a deprived and deranged individual may engage in the most hair-rising stunts, exhibitionism which displays an attention-grabbing cry for help. This may be one of those individuals who never received a lollipop or was disowned by a flea who just refused to give the bugger an itch in the strategic places.
Perhaps the bunch of individuals who act in a stupid manner may be opposition’s insidious weapon of mass destruction used to bring down the government of the day. Never discount this! It is a possibility.
We must ask why we are so competent and proud in running in the reverse direction to attain 196th place among the nations of the world when everyone else is trying to secure first place. We are literally begging to be first among the last and smartest among the dumbest. This deep profound philosophy is beyond the likes of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and I am most certainly missing something in my Freudian-induced mind. Ah my limitations – I will explain this another time in another age. 
One must not discount that our real comedians are not given enough airtime or just not up to the task, as such our only outlet and relief from the rigours of life are individuals and groups who actually froth and salivate on self-induced orgasm to give us spontaneous laughter. Oh no which do we cut, the brain or the organ for the orgasm if it is deemed against religious practices?
Yet again these may professionally be the smartest individuals disguised as stupid individuals to throw everybody off track while they employ this “get rich quick scam” and siphon the wealth of the country while yelling and promoting racial and religious epithets. It is common to see some politicians haranguing and cursing the West and everything about the morality of the whites and yet they use all products that are derived from the West. Once I had this pulsating coffee shop discussion as to why persons who come from Europe or America seem happy and content. And this is how it went as I summarise it.
  • They are happy as they have no morals; we are unhappy with all our morals.
  • They are happy because they have freedom; we are unhappy because they have freedom.
  • They are happy because they are Godless; we are unhappy as we are God filled.
  • They are stupid and yet happy; we are intelligent and yet unhappy.
  • They work less and produce more; we work longer and produce less.
  • They are happy they have peace, we are unhappy we have pieces from bombs.
The startling and unsurprising conclusion was that God is punishing these infidels! I expressed that if God is punishing the West, I am a sucker for this and absolutely love that kind of punishment which inflicts happiness.   
Looking at all comments, it appears as from groups who want hudud implemented, have read the Holy Book in the dark, or may have closed their eyes and read the Holy Book in dazzling light. This we categorise as natural stupidity. Desired stupidity is when you have so-called intellectuals of the highest order in our mobs that worship everything without understanding or opening the eye of the soul. With such individuals, discussion is plain suicide or futile.      
We have the dense monstrous pestilential maggots and venomous serpentine individuals who crawl out from the dung heap of self-inflated importance wreaking havoc. What emboldens the conduct of brazen stupidity and lends it a volatile nature is that we have authorities who have not charged them, neither for stupidity or sedition.
The prognosis is that vaccines don’t work on these individuals. Short of removing the brain, it is recommended that we employ the highest possible isolation technique. Here again we can apply for a patent as other countries have their own share of racial and religious bigots who are stupid, deranged, and demented. Unfortunately these countries have severe laws and jail people for such stupidity. We who profess compassion must place them all on one island together and on taxpayers’ funds (I am so sorry about this one). We ensure all the conveniences and luxuries of life are accorded. The only caveat is that if they label or categorise each other kafir or pendatang we have no option but to exercise or employ mercy killing, euthanasia or castration.
It would be virtually impossible to jail all pendatangs and a sizeable number of the ethnic diversities on account of rejecting stupidity and imbecilism and contributing to the rare sense to make this such a beautiful country.  Since we constitute a rational majority, we should just strip the stupid of their birth rights and citizenships on the premise of misrepresenting race, religion and country.      
- See more at: http://www.theantdaily.com/Main/Acts-of-dumbness-weaved-into-art-of-stupidity#sthash.Jzm6J8jV.dpuf

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