Friday, 18 October 2013


Desire – A teacher with real desire will always have an unknown, unexplainable ache when the student is away from lessons or prevented from lessons by a simple holiday. If the Teacher had just one last day of life left to fulfil or accomplish a day well, one of the most important aspects would be to teach.

If a Teacher were to feel very strongly in his/her gut of the heart that each child is a light of God no less, and each person we teach is an embodiment of a gift to be filled with the water of teaching, we will fill the thirst with sound teaching. A teacher with desire and hunger to teach is equivalent to a lamp, a lifeboat or a ladder in lives of the student.
If one has no desire but is using teaching as a tool or mechanism to earn or secure a living- the vocation is simply not right. One would be doing a disservice to a student and eventually to a community at large.

If one were to sit and speak or enquire from a teacher about the daily construction of their lives, it is simply gut wrenching to experience how many get into the profession for all the wrong reasons. Convenience, living a four day week, having no other viable life option, insecurity, and one even mentioned control!

Desire is also an attribute that would dare take on a student that perceived as ordinary, ineffective or weak and secure a potential in excess out of them. Real desire would mean that a teacher would never fear the forging of a difficult path with the most ordinary of students. A student with the attributes of desire, commitment and talent will always excel even with a less than ordinary teacher.

A teacher’s with the deepest desire I contend must always be an open to all possibilities and manner of students learning. In the run of life a student will eventually know that it was the desire and hunger of teacher that prompted his/her music and lit a flame for every other endeavor.

Dominic Damian
16th October 2013

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